
Invisalign Explained


Invisalign is a clear alternative to traditional braces that helps us achieve a straighter, healthier smile! Instead of using metal brackets, wires, and elastics, Invisalign uses custom-made plastic that can move teeth into a better position. There are still benefits of using braces, for example for kids

Invisalign at Arbo Dental Care Bradford is a simple process starting with the consultation and scan with our special camera, we review the simulation together, and we start seeing you every 6-12 weeks during your Invisalign journey!

A few questions we’ve had before:

  • What can you eat? You can still eat most foods! Fewer food restrictions than braces.
  • How long does it take? 12-18 months for active treatment. You will need to wear retainers after you’re done!
  • Are they noticeable to other people? They’re almost completely invisible, take a look around at work, school and see if you notice anyone wearing them.

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Caring for you and your smile,
Arbo Dental Care Bradford