Dentistry for Kids

Most children get their first tooth at 6 months old! And the Canadian Dental Association recommends a child see their dentist within 6 months of the first tooth appearing in the mouth, and no later than 12 months of age. We know sometimes there are circumstances that make the first visit difficult, and we want to make the first visit easy, so it’s on us!

The first visit is complimentary for your child (but we want parents there too!). At Arbo Dental Care, we really think the first impression makes a big difference for kids being in the dental setting. Parents will definitely benefit from being present with their child at the first visit. Approximate appointment time 30-45 minutes.

At the first complimentary visit our goals are:

  • develop a comfortable, friendly and positive dental experience.
  • to be educational: what to expect, what to eat and what to avoid
  • providing resources and demonstrations: how to brush and floss for kids and parents
  • treatment plan consultation for cavities, or other dental concerns

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Dentistry for Kids

Our goal is to develop a comfortable, friendly, and positive dental experience with your child over many years. We don’t ever want the first visit with a child to be stressful such as when their tooth is causing pain, infection, or they’re crying.
We want to reduce the chance of dental anxiety in the future if he/she requires treatment for cavities, plaque build up, or dental trauma. We really want to build a positive relationship so that the trust has already been developed during a calm and safe setting (including first complimentary visit) that is about taking care of them and their oral health. Over many visits, the interactions, education, and demonstrations will help to reduce dental anxiety and dental issues.
We provide dentistry for kids including an assessment of their bite, jaw growth and if braces are recommended, tongue-tie, cleanings, fillings, and laughing gas sedation.
We recommend dental visits every 6 months for kids after their first visit because as your child grows we continue to examine for cavities, changes in jaw growth, teeth crowding, and to develop the dental visit routine.
We can’t wait to see you and your child for your first dental visits! Please schedule your complimentary appointment now.